This is probably not the first time this video has come around, but it is still worth watching nonetheless. Advanced magnetics have so much much imagined by speculative scientists and authors of fabulation.
A TED Talk that examines quite a bit of our knowledge of cosmology, and the origins of the universe. There is a really nifty visual rendering of a tour through several galactic clusters at a virtual speed in the billions of lightyears/sec (Seen in the still-frame of the embedded video. Definitely worth taking a gander.
*Eint Truzenzuzex and Bran Tse-Mallory are fictional characters created by Alan Dean Foster in his "Continuing Adventures of Pip and Flinx" science-fiction novels.
The First Law of Robotics Stories: In the Future, Robots will rebell and a) Kill Us All; b) Enslave Us All; c) Protect Us All (from ourselves).
* Jack Williamson, in his short story "With Folded Hands" (1947) set the stage for robots stifling human expression in the future. This story predates Asimov's collection, "I, Robot" (1950) by a mere 3 years.